Tuesday 26 August 2014

Ant version command

You can do so by typing the following command: ant - . The Unix command is ant -version. The system should find the command ant and show the .

It is highly recommended to avoid the line version . But after this sudo command ant it showing following messages. To test this, type ant -version, which should display the current Ant version: ant . Apache Ant on your computer, type ant on your command prompt.

How to properly get the latest Ant version 1. Logout out of the system and log back in, command ant should be . Your output should look something like this:. Go back to the editor and add the jar building command. Update the following line in your config.

The Ant Version Command ant -version You should see the result . The -classpath command line arg (that JBE uses when launching Ant) should take . These scripts facilitate the execution of Ant and include DOS batch, UNIX. To verify that Ant is installed correctly, at the command prompt type: ant -version If the .

In particular, you can define which version of Ant should be use add command line arguments, and specify the SDK to be used for running Ant. In order to check this, from terminal run the following command:. This Software is distributed under the Apache . Then map this command and its options to the particular Ant task that implements it. To access the preferences, click command link Window . Gradle provides excellent integration with Ant. You can use individual Ant tasks or entire Ant builds in your Gradle builds.

To run Ant tasks, you must have version 1. Windows command prompt or UNIX shell: ant -version. Java or JVM version, the following example prints out Java. After installation check the version by command: ? FATAL: command execution failed. Maybe you need to configure the job to choose one of your Ant installations? For the specific versions supported and the currently recommended version check.

Both command should work without errors and the output should be the ant . With Ant in your path, you should be able to run it at the command line. If when you ran the ant command you get the following error you need . Instead of using an extended model using shell-based commands, Ant is extended.

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